Unit 1 : A Happy Child


Unit 1 : A Happy Child

Let’s read

The sun shines in the sky,

I have a red pen.

Question 1:

Read and match the words with the pictures. Draw a line.


Fun with colours

Question 1:

Fill in the box with the right colour.


Answer :

Let’s talk

Question 1:

Is there a tree growing near your house?

Tell us about the tree. Is it big or small?

Do you like the tree? What is the name of the tree?


Yes, there is a big tree growing near my house.

Yes, I like the tree. It is a banyan tree which is very huge in size.

Let’s share

Question 1:

There are many kinds of houses. Circle the ones you have seen.


(Note: You may circle the ones that you’ve seen.)
Let’s draw
Question 1:
Draw your house here and talk about it.

Activity to be done by yourself.
Question 2:

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